Advance Praise for Hatreds We Love
“A remarkably well-written and lucid excavation of the current political psyche. The growth of tribalism, the propensity for treating political antagonists as “psychological wastebins,” and the seductions of authoritarianism are only a few of the tough subjects Stephen Ducat takes on in this astute and necessary book.”
– Laura Kipnis, New York Times Editor’s Choice author of Love in a Time of Contagion: A Diagnosis.
“With so many books about Trump, it is refreshing to read one that analyzes the power he has over his followers, especially his ability to tap into an eagerness to form groups that embrace their numerous grievances. Dr. Ducat is a psychoanalyst who lives in a rural setting awash with Trump signs and MAGA hats, making this deep dive into what he calls ‘tribal psychology’ unusually authentic and well-worth reading.”
– Justin A Frank, M.D., New York Times best-selling author of Trump on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President.
“Ducat argues convincingly that the disturbing social and political trends we are witnessing today are nothing new. His is the most compelling analysis of this distressing truth I have read since Hannah Arendt’s.”
– Mark Solms, Ph.D., author of The Hidden Spring: A Journey to the Source of Consciousness.
“Amid a searing indictment of Trumpism and the Banana Republican values that produced it, Stephen J. Ducat lucidly synthesizes the psychological and tribalistic roots of today’s democracy crisis. This is a wide-ranging and penetrating look at how we got to this sorry pass in our national life and how we might move beyond it by adjusting the moral frames that drive our politics. Xenophobic versus xenophilic; social dominance versus empathetic egalitarianism—the fissures are all here, in plain English.”
– Jonathan Alter, Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, NBC and MSNBC political analyst, and New York Times best-selling author of His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, A Life.
“Stephen Ducat aims to articulate the basis for the contemporary right-wing movement led by Donald Trump. He accomplishes this goal while avoiding reinforcement of the splitting that so divides this nation and the world. Ducat pulls no punches, while positioning himself in a complex and thoughtful way without disavowal and sanctimony. Those of us who are dismayed and confused by the world taking shape around us could do no better than to engage this extended conversation with Stephen Ducat.”
– Neil Altman, Ph.D., author of The Analyst in the Inner City: Race, Class, and Culture Through a Psychoanalytic Lens and White Privilege: Psychoanalytic Perspectives.
“In the vast field of ‘Trump Studies,’ Stephen Ducat intervenes with a long overdue psychological analysis of the former president’s zealous supporters. Reviving the interpretative traditions of Wilhelm Reich and Erich Fromm, his work serves as a refreshing departure from studies that seek to understand Trumpism as either a form of class politics or simple race resentment. Written with panache, Ducat’s study successfully asks us to dwell more deeply and darkly into the meanings of our current crisis.”
– Richard Steigmann-Gall, Ph.D., a contributor to Fascism in America: Past and Present and author of The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945